Home is home, but with the bonus of a lot more memories to share now.
We got just a little more of Ireland before we headed to Dublin airport, where we started about 18 hours of smiling about our adventures and retelling some of our stories to each other. We got this blog caught up through April 4th on the trip home, and then (looking at our watches) took until Jun 13 to finish the rest. Sorry for the suspense!
Our full day in Dublin and last evening overseas took us to a university history class, sunny skies, many pints and puns, and a our best withdrawal from a bank ever.
We head to Dublin and the last stop on our trip. Most of the attractions we saw this day were around when the U.S.A was just a wee lad.
A road trip to Kilkenny gives us some rain, many castles, great light for photos, and singing in an Irish pub.
A day in Waterford reveals an impressive cut-glass factory that we expected, and a history lesson and amazing dinner that we’ll never forget.
Ireland! We get our passports stamped, trade our Skoda for a BMW, and spend a day driving through the Irish countryside to our B&B.
A day of rest on the beautiful island of Anglesea, across the channel from Dublin.
Tenby lives up to its reputation, so we spend the day as upper-crust tourists from London at the coastal villa.
A day of driving in the rain gets us to a cozy dinner in Tenby, “the jewel of Pembrookshire”
Team CocoBri take their vacation by the wheel, and drive themselves to Cardiff to surprise Colleen’s old friend Helen on her birthday.
We travel from Art Deco of the 1930’s to a vacation spot popular with the Roman Empire.
On the way out of our great hotel and the city of a London, we reflect on the little details of our 3 days that we’ll remember for a long time.
We get the full-London experience with a day of history in the rain, royalty, art, a pub that measures its age in the number of monarchs since it opened, and world-class fine dining amongst luxury shopping.
London has polite people, has been through a lot, knows amazing food and drink, and stages a hilarious comedy play.
In which we stay awake for most of the first day in a new time zone
Spoiler alert: Brian gets his first passport stamp.
Did you know it’s 2:30pm in London?